Social Media Influencer Short-Term Certificate

Area of Study: Business Marketing - Social Media Marketing
Degree/Certificate: Short-Term Certificate
Academic School: Creative Arts
This program brings together courses in English, Visual Communication, Communication Studies, Marketing and Media & Journalism Studies, all having outcomes, skills and attributes which a certificant-conferred student needs to become a social media influencer. Expressing ideas excellently in writing and orally, understanding the fundamentals of visual communication, understanding how social media works, learning how social media platforms and tools are utilized to effectively distribute messages, and mastering written and visual communication in many formats (advertising, public relations, social media) would make the student excellently qualified for work as a social media influencer, either inside a company or as an independent contractor working on a contract basis for multiple clients.
This certificate will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the certificate, please notify the Office of the Registrar at
Financial Assistance funds cannot be applied towards this program.