Mediasite FAQ
- What equipment do I need to create a video with Mediasite?
- A smart phone or tablet with a camera and microphone
- Windows 10 or Mac using a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser with a camera, microphone and the Mediasite Mosaic Application
- Internet upload speed over 3 Mbps.
- Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser
- What video files can I upload to media site?
- The most common files are .mp4, .mov, .m4v, &.avi
- How do I record myself and my screen?
- Watch this video to learn how to record with Mosaic.
- Can I play a YouTube video while recording?
- Not all systems will allow pc sound to be recorded. It is recommended that you do a 30 second test to be sure what recorded is what you are expecting to be recorded.
- I tried to use Mosaic by first accessing Mediasite and it still kept asking me to download Mediasite.
- Unfortunately, the web page and the program do not talk. Therefore when you initiate a recording from your My Mediasite, you will see this box pop-up that says you may need to download. Do not click on it. Please ignore this popup and allow the Mosaic application to open for you. After Mosaic has opened, you can close the pop-up box.
- Why was the top of my head cut off in the video when recording with my phone?
- Aspect ratio is an issue when uploading to Mediasite. Please be sure to rotate your phone or tablet to be sideways (horizontal) and that your head is in the frame of the recording before you begin.
- After a video or a recording has been uploaded, My Presentations list shows “currently working” and it’s not available yet. Can I start another recording or upload while it is currently working or do I need to wait?
- You may do another recording while that is “currently working”. It will not cause any issues with the current or new recording.
- What does “Presentation Unavailable” mean?
- It could mean that your presentation did not finish processing in the cloud and will finish in the near future. This should not take longer than 2 hours.
- There was something with your device that was not compatible with the way the presentation was created and uploaded to Mediasite.
- If it has been longer than 2 hours, please reach out to Michelle Reed.
- What does “Presentation Scheduled” mean?
- This presentation was started but never stopped or completed. Please re-record your presentation.
- Why is my upload taking so long?
- Several factors determine the duration of time the upload will take, including the length of the recording, your data speed, the Wi-Fi signal strength, the internet service provider, or your device video codecs and file types. If your upload takes longer than 2 hours, please reach out to Michelle Reed.
- Uploading with cell phones using data will be slower than using high speed internet Wi-Fi or being hard wired to the internet.
- If I create videos in Mediasite, which videos will need to be captioned?
- All Mediasite content is captioned automatically. No action is needed for newly created content.
- Can I remove captions on a presentation?
- Watch this video to learn how to disable captions for your Mediasite presentation.
- How do I caption my video content in Mediasite if it doesn’t already have captions?
- Watch this video to learn how to request captions for your Mediasite video.
- What do I do if I requested captions and after 48 hours, they do not appear?
- Please reach out to Michelle Reed.
- What do I do if something is incorrect in my captions?
- Watch this video to learn how to edit captions.
- If I use videos from an external source not managed by Tri-C such as Vimeo or YouTube, how do I add captions to those videos?
- If you own the videos, you can upload the original file to Mediasite instead and request the captions inside Mediasite.
- If you own the videos, you can add captions in YouTube.
- If you do not own the videos, please contact the owner to add captions to the content or select a different video that contains closed captions.
- Can I retrieve a presentation that I deleted out of My Mediasite?
- Please reach out to Michelle Reed.
- Can I re-record a section or add more video and insert it into an existing video?
- Unfortunately, you can only remove a portion of the video and audio. You cannot insert any newly recorded sections into a current video.
- Can I add an audio clip into an existing video?
- Unfortunately, you can only remove a portion of the video and audio. You cannot insert any newly recorded sections into a current video.
- Can I change the thumbnail of a video?
- Watch this video to learn how to update the update the presentation thumbnail.
- Can I let other faculty use the videos I’ve created?
- Fill out the shared folder request to begin the process.
- Can I download a Mediasite video?
- Watch this video to learn how to Enable Downloads and Download your Mediasite video.
- Can I get analytics from a Mediasite video?
- Please watch this video to understand the Analytics available to you within Mediasite.
- Can I add a quiz to a public video?
- No.
- If I added quizzing but made it public why can't my students see it?
- Your video cannot be public with a quiz. Change your “Who can see” to My Organization.
- How do I delete a presentation I no longer want?
- Click the Delete option above the video preview on the Presentation Summary Page.
- What are the Who Can View settings in Mediasite?
- Everyone: no sign in is necessary - a public video
- My Organization: anyone with an S# can see it – the default setting - recommended
- Only Shared Users - this removes authenticated users and emails will need to be entered in the ‘Invite by Email’ tab of the Share Presentations settings. Not Recommended!
- Only Me - only by the owner
- What are the best practices for establishing a video library of previously recorded classes to share and be available for other classes?
- Watch this to see how to create a channel and move content to the channel.
- Can I use and edit videos created with the old Mediasite Desktop Recorder?
- Yes.
- When in the Web Editor, how do I save the video under a different name? Once I make the changes, I would like to have a copy of the old version in case.
- When clicking to save – Click on Save Video – select Save Video to New – then it will prompt you to name it. The new video will then appear in your My Mediasite in the list of My Presentations above the original one. So don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t appear at the top of the list. It will appear directly above the current one in the list.
- Will I run out of storage space in Mediasite?
- There is currently no limit for storage. We will only remove content that is older than 2 years and 1 semester that has NO VIEWS or has not been viewed in 2 years and 1 semester. So this will allow us to store content that is being used and not store content that is not being used.
- What equipment do I need to watch a Mediasite video?
- A smart phone or tablet
- Internet upload speed over 3 Mbps.
- Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser
- Can students download my videos?
- Only if you set your videos to be downloadable.
- Who can see my video?
- You can easily set who can see your video by using the slider to change the security of your presentation.
- Everyone: anyone with the link can view
- My Organization: default. Anyone with an S#. Recommended!
- Only Me: Private. Viewable by the owner only.
- What do students do if their instructor gets an error message when trying to play back an assignment Mediasite video?
- Be sure students can see the video in their My Mediasite before sharing the link to ensure this doesn’t happen.
- Students should reach out to Michelle Reed for assistance.
- What do I do if the volume is not working on my video?
- If you uploaded the video, be sure there was audio on the original video during playback.
- Be sure your playback device audio is not turned down or muted.
- Be sure the Mediasite player window audio is not muted.
- If there is still no sound, please reach out to Michelle Reed at
- When I click into a video why doesn't it play from the beginning?
- Mediasite videos remember where you left off and will resume at that point of the video. Feel free to slide the bar back to the beginning and resume playing.
- How can I record and share my on-premise class sessions with my online students?
- Watch this video to learn how to download and Register Mosaic on a Tri-C machine.
- Watch this video to learn how to record with Mosaic.
- How can I record and share my course lectures?
- Watch this video to learn how to download and Register Mosaic on a Tri-C machine.
- Watch this video to learn how to record with Mosaic.
- Is there a way to allow partial credit on quizzes that are in lecture videos? This applies specifically to the ‘multiple answer’ questions.
- In your My Mediasite, you can view the quiz answers in the Analytics tab of the presentation. If you review the answers and feel partial credit is due, you can adjust the grade in the courses gradebook.
- You can easily set who can see your video by using the slider to change the security of your presentation.